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R&D Cannons School and School Knight Level Up


School knights are highly engaged mentors who balance leadership with extracurricular activities to foster academic excellence in students. Furthermore, they aim to inspire future generations in their community and beyond.

Hillsdale High’s annual production, Knight Moves, marks months of hard work by both students and parents alike. One senior is about to perform her last show as part of an ensemble ensemble.

R&D Cannons

R&D Cannons School, one of seven new crafting schools introduced in Season 9.5 as part of a revamp, allows players to craft cannon components, which can then be upgraded on ships by upgrading cannons onboard them. Once level 15 of R&D Cannons is reached, its trait, Deft Cannoneer, becomes unlocked.

Once your school reaches level 15, focus on getting it to level 15 as quickly as possible – this should take less time than many of the others, and will unlock a fifth slot for Research Projects or move on to another school if time allows! However, keep in mind that purple R&D DOFFs required for level 15 will increase success crafting Ultra Rare items, so if possible, get all schools up to level 15. Don’t forget about running Research Projects on cannon component upgrades, too – running them will speed up the level-up time of School Knight!

R&D Weapons

R&D weapons can help reduce ship damage. While they don’t deal as much damage, R&D Cannon’s school unlocks the Deft Cannoneer trait at level 15 that increases turn rate and inertia when using cannon skills.

As with armor, R&D weapons can also be upgraded using upgrade kits or Phoenix upgrade tokens. Achieving a high R&D rating is vital to long-term battle success; having strong armor protection and damage reduction features will ensure survival from enemy attack.

Army engineers and weapons experts from Picatinny Arsenal, Watervliet Arsenal, and Aberdeen Proving Ground in Maryland commenced work in August on a prototype weapon capable of firing single high-explosive rounds for the destruction of light armored vehicles, bunkers, and soft structures. This initiative is part of a more considerable collaborative research and development agreement (CRADA) between the Army Futures Command component and the National Armaments Consortium with funding provided by the Department of Defense’s Office of Foreign Comparative Testing (FCT).

R&D Armor

At present, powered exoskeletons remain a far-fetched goal. There are significant engineering hurdles to be surmounted and political considerations that arise with having four-story tall robots roaming the streets, yet there is some evidence to suggest they could become reality one day.

Powered Armor can be created by augmenting an ordinary armor to increase its strength. Each armor type has specific stats and per-level increase values that can be found on its page in the Wiki, and as you level up, you unlock a plus (+) version of that armor that you can craft by increasing to level 10.

To produce R&D gear, you require both an R&D Station and some scraps. Each R&D Station generates a guaranteed minimum number of chips based on the rarity of salvaged gear, and these scraps can be bought from vendors within each episode cycle; you can only produce identical equipment every episode cycle due to R&D Plans tied explicitly to that episode’s process; additionally, you may salvage unneeded items to collect more scraps.

R&D Magic

R&D can be an argumentative place, and we use that tension for the greater good of Magic. Sometimes, these disagreements turn into slang terms we use throughout development – this week’s R&D Magic brings you some of these fun terms we use regularly in development.

As angry teacher Mr. Cochrane returns to school, Lyle believes taking a zen approach will best resolve his anger. Joaquin also makes new acquaintances in his travels.

Strictly Better Cards – Cards that provide more rules text at equal or lesser costs (for instance, Goblin Chariot (2R 2/2 with haste)), or lower prices but offering similar text (such as Gray Ogre Dies to Tivadar’s Crusade). Shawn Carnes himself popularly coined this term.

FFL stands for Future League League, an internal tournament used by development to predict what Magic will look like a year or six months down the line (it has since fallen out of use). Unfortunately, this term no longer makes as much sense today.

Enabler: Any card that helps facilitate specific mechanics or strategies without looking great on paper; used when designers consider whether their set contains too few enabler cards to support particular aspects of gameplay.

Sleeper Card – This term, coined from Alpha card Vigilance, which appeared relatively weak at first but ended up becoming quite robust, has long been used as an all-encompassing noun describing seemingly innocuous items or cards that turn out to be powerful later. Recently, it has also come to represent various things and events.