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What to Look for When Buying a Cat Bed


Cat people are very devoted to their pets and would do virtually anything to make their cats happy and healthy. As you may imagine, getting these ultimate comfort creatures the best bed is crucial. Your adorable long-haired calico is less likely to nap on your favorite black sweater if you provide her with a proper bed. What factors are at play here? Before settling on a bed, there are many considerations to examine, including the bed’s structural design or style, the bed’s materials, and whether or not to create the mattress yourself. In this essay, we’ll examine these factors so you can provide your cat with the best bed possible.

There’s a plethora of options when it comes to cat beds. They can range from anything as essential as a thin cushion or fabric-covered pad to something more complex, like an igloo-style construction with an electric heating element. Despite the common perception that a cat bed should be warm and inviting, pad-shaped beds may be filled with water to relieve summer’s heat. Size, portability, accessibility for your cat’s agility level, whether it allows for the privacy your cat tends to like, compatibility with your decor, ease of assembly (if any), stability, safety, and intended placement (floor, on a bed, window sill, outside/weatherproof, inside only) are all important considerations when choosing a design. You can use what you’ve learned from studying your cat’s preferred sleeping areas to decide your strategy. For instance, if they like to take naps while sitting up, a bed that can only be placed on the floor would be a poor choice. If they sleep in paper bags, a partially covered dome-shaped bed may be more comfortable than one with an open top since it blocks light and provides more seclusion.

Cat beds often consist of soft, pliable materials with various comfortable textures. The pile length of the cloth is a significant distinguishing factor. Soft and silky faux suede is one fabric that falls on the low end of the scale. On the opposite end of the spectrum is faux and genuine shearling, which feels like the velvety interior of your favorite pair of slippers. Fleece is another well-liked option since it provides moderate warmth without adding unnecessary bulk. The amount of polyfill or other paddings in a cat bed is another variable. Some senior or more giant cats require extra support and comfort, which can be provided with thick orthopedic foam. The convenience of maintenance should take precedence over other concerns like heat and comfort. Find out if you can throw the entire bed into the washing machine or if any layers can be removed. Is hand washing required? Make that the bed’s electrical heating element can be detached for cleaning if it has one. Consider your cat’s feelings and wash the bedding in unscented soap. Cats have extremely sensitive noses, so if your laundry detergent has a strong chemical scent, they may avoid sleeping in the bed until it fades. Now that we’ve covered some of the most common materials and designs for cat beds, we’ll quickly go over the possibility of creating one yourself.

Some people may wish to put much effort into creating a high-quality kitten bed. You’ll need a sewing machine, a variety of fabrics, padding material, and other necessary goods to complete this project. As a bonus, you may match the bed’s fabric and color palette to your existing furnishings, which is satisfying. If you’re handy with a needle and thread, it could be a cute way to surprise your cat. You can find the correct patterns and supplies at a fabric store or online. The rest of us can make do with much less elegant arrangements by repurposing objects we had planned to throw away into cat beds. Make a comfy nest for your cat out of old clothes and linens that are too worn, stained, out of style, don’t fit, or are otherwise useless to you. Some suggestions: You can use flannel from an old sheet or pillowcase to cover a worn-out pillow; the stained fleece jacket (or other soft, appropriate piece of clothing) can be cut into long strips at least a couple of inches wide (fleece is lovely because it doesn’t fray on the edges), and a thick layer of these can be placed in a small drawer or cardboard box that is just the right size for your cat to curl up in. Your cat will appreciate your kindness, and you’ll feel good about helping the environment. Even if the large, luxurious bed you bought for your cat is still the best option, this set of beds can serve as a secondary hiding spot that will make your pet happier.

It’s natural for cats to look for quiet, cozy spots to nap. If you give them one or two tempting beds, your cat will rest less in areas you don’t want them to. To help you narrow down your options, we’ve looked at a broad spectrum of cat beds and stressed the necessity of considering your cat’s specific tastes. We’ve also thought of ways to recycle existing materials to provide a new, comfy space for the cat to hide. The time and consideration you put into your search will be well worth it when you watch your cat blissfully purring as he or she drifts off to dreamland in their new bed.

David J. Robin’s

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