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Ancient Civilizations Secrets


Ancient monuments continue to intrigue researchers. From Crete’s maze-like palaces to Egypt’s pyramids, researchers are endlessly fascinated. But what is their true purpose and construction secrets? The Interesting Info about Ancient Civilizations Secrets.

One such puzzle is the Antikythera Mechanism, an ancient gear-driven device that astounded archaeologists upon its discovery. Its complex mechanics demonstrate an advanced knowledge of astronomical events.

The Minoans

The Minoans were a palace-centered society that flourished on Crete between 2000 and 1400 BCE. They established an intricate bureaucracy and sophisticated trade and craft production systems and achieved high cultural achievement, but one thing set them apart: they worshipped a snake goddess as part of their religious practice. This practice symbolized fertility, renewal, and wisdom in many ancient Bronze Age cultures, such as Minoan society itself.

Evans’ initial digs produced pottery shards bearing unmistakable etchings of Linear A, an early pictographic writing system used between 1800 BCE and 1450 BCE that has never been deciphered by linguists.

Evans discovered a maze-like passageway underneath the palace at Knossos. He made connections between its mysterious layout and a famous Greek myth: Minotaur roamed freely within this winding labyrinth to capture prisoners for eating!

In recent years, molecular archaeologists have been turning to mitochondrial DNA analysis to try to identify those who once lived on Crete. By comparing modern descendants of ancient peoples found at sites like Akrotiri with remains found there, researchers can establish where their origins lay. Unfortunately, mitochondrial DNA only represents maternal lineage; for a clearer picture of the prehistoric world, we need nuclear DNA analyses as well.

The Nazca Lines

The Nazca Lines are geoglyphs (artwork on the ground) located in a desert where soil erosion has exposed a light-colored layer of sand, leaving behind intricate lines and figures—some measuring up to 300 meters or 900 feet long! The people of Nazca created these mysterious drawings between A.D. 1 and 700, and they remain an intriguing mystery today.

These lines were first noticed during the 1920s but only became seriously considered during WWII when pilots began flying over them. American archaeologist Paul Kosok began studying them, hypothesizing that they may have some connection to astronomy.

But many skeptics remain unconvinced. Swiss writer Erich von Daniken claimed that the Nazca Lines were actually landing sites for alien spacecraft, and the ancient people constructed these shapes as messages to aliens they saw as gods.

Researchers have suggested that the lines corresponded with specific geographic and celestial features, including solstices and constellations. Recently, National Geographic employed artificial intelligence to find geoglyphs not visible to the naked eye. For instance, they discovered this humanoid figure with four fingers but no thumb that has survived for millennia. It may have served as an ancient ritual area where Nazca people sacrificed animals and plants within its confines. Discover the best info about the Science Behind The Paranormal.

The Sumerian King List

The Sumerian King List is an elaborate series of clay tablets etched with cuneiform script that present an intriguing lineup of godlike and human monarchs from ancient Mesopotamia. DNA tests, which have long been considered myth and historical record, may now demonstrate that some of these mysterious rulers really existed.

Since 1906, over 15 different manuscripts of The King List have been found and published, rather than being read as history as we understand it today. Instead of being structured as traditional history texts would be, this text contains names, places, and wholly incredible dates and exploits, from the mythological origins of kingship through to city-state fragmentation before reaching Isin, where rulers only reigned for up to three years due to chaos that saw the Akkadian Empire fall and the Sargon Dynasty ended.

Two versions of the King List survive today: Weld-Blundell 62 and W-B 144. Their early section dealing with pre-Flood kings closely parallels that found in Genesis 5, yet there are significant discrepancies in later sections dealing with reign durations among pre-Flood rulers.

Lost Cities

Numerous cities worldwide have vanished without a trace due to conflict, natural disasters, or being abandoned.

Catalhoyuk, a Neolithic proto-city located in modern-day central Turkey, dates back between 9,000 and 7,000 years ago but has long since vanished without trace. Catalhoyuk stands out for its distinctive beehive structure, with homes built side-by-side that are accessible through holes in the roof.

Thule was one of the great lost cities, as described by Greek explorer Pytheas in an ancient work known as Mysterium Papyri. Pytheas’ description implies there could have been a Viking settlement somewhere along what is now northern Greenland where the sun never sets during summer months and rises again during winter months – suggesting there may have once existed a great city called Thule that no longer exists today.

There are also other mysterious cities, which were once home to advanced civilizations but have since vanished without a trace, including Lothal in India and El Dorado’s legendary Amazon rainforest locale Cleopatra’s Pyramids Egypt; Pompeii on Italy’s southern coast perched up against Andean mountains, as well as Geamana located near Sibiu Romania, raise questions as to how much of our history we know today. These mysterious cities raise intriguing questions as to how well-informed we are about history we genuinely are.